The white Rapunzel (Phyteuma spicatum subsp. Spicatum) is a perennial plant belonging to bellflower family (Campanulaceae). It is a strain of free moist, rich soil in deciduous woods and along streams. The plant is native to central Europe. She is on the Dutch Red List of plants as very rare and moderately decreased.
The plant is 20-80 cm high and blooms from late May to mid June with yellowish white, 1 cm long flowers at the top often greenish or bluish be something. The flowers are 4-10 cm long in a spike, in the early stage is oval, cylindrical but later grows. The wide oval to ovate-lanceolate basal leaves in contrast to the black and blue rampion double cut and double serrated, but sometimes they are also unevenly cut or jagged. Central to the leaf sometimes black spots.
Another subspecies, the blue-black Rapunzel (Phyteuma spicatum subsp. Nigrum), which has purple flowers.
See also: Sending Flowers, Online Florist
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