Senin, 28 Juni 2010


Myrica is a genus of the family of bog myrtle family (Myricaceae). The genus is distributed almost worldwide, it is absent only in Australia and some warm-temperate areas of the Old World.


The Myrica species are evergreen or deciduous trees or shrubs. They are monoecious and dioecious. In young plant parts resinous, peltate glands are present. The leaves are simple and often accumulated at the shoot tips. The leaf margin is serrate or quite.

The flowers appear before or during the Laubaustriebs. The inflorescence is year-old, single or rispenartig. Male flowers usually have two to eight, rarely to 20 stamens. The filaments are free or fused at the base, bracts are present or absent.

The female flowers have two to four bracteoles. These are fused into one ovary and extended, or not free and renewable. The ovary has resinous gland. The stylus are short and have two relatively long, scarred branches.

The stone fruits are often covered with kopfartigen, wachsbedeckten papillae. The endocarp is hard. The seeds are erect, their skin is membranous.


See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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