Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Survival Guide - Managing Stress

Banking, accounting, Employment

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Organize its work to combat stress

In small doses, stress pushes us to excel. Work overload can cause stress, however, harmful to health. Here are some tips to make your life easier.

1. Do the most difficult tasks first. If you put off until later, a difficult task or unpleasant it will bother you, even if it is just a phone call. By cons, once the task, your mind will be released.

2. Bring order to your tasks and folders. "When we're busy, we forget. Therefore write all your task in a diary, clearly indicating the priorities of the day, "says Charbonneau. It is also important to classify documents. "Some people lose only five hours a week looking for records." To avoid this situation, make a big household every two weeks, or a smaller every day.

3. Do not be too perfectionist. As your boss impose tight deadlines, it is rarely possible to refine your work until absolute perfection. We need to know to allocate a realistic time for each task.

4. Respect your limits. If the boss assigns you a task while you're already overwhelmed, show him your schedule. Let him decide whether this new request is more urgent than your other responsibilities.

5. Give yourself small pleasures. When your concentration decreases after an hour of work, you often take short breaks. You can just look outside, to breathe fresh air or eat a piece of chocolate! Also apply this principle to your holiday. "Instead of taking a month each summer, divide your weeks of vacation during the year," says Charbonneau. So you'll have a short-term goal, which helps to manage stress and maintain their enthusiasm for work.

How to expand your network

Banking, accounting, Employment

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Today knowledge intelligently expand his circle of relations is no longer the monopoly of seasoned networkers but also the fact that everyone, through situations of everyday life.

Opportunities not to miss method to approach your target contacts, not to make mistakes ... Here are tips to enrich their address book. A significant weapon at a time when you may need to meet the challenges of a job search or starting a business.
Expand its network

Today knowledge intelligently expand his circle of relations is no longer the monopoly of seasoned networkers but also the fact that everyone, through situations of everyday life.

Opportunities not to miss method to approach your target contacts, not to make mistakes ... Here are tips to enrich their address book. A significant weapon at a time when you may need to meet the challenges of a job search or starting a business.

Be ready at all times

It must be borne in mind that any situation can be an opportunity to enlarge its network. Travel, meals, parties and a fortiori, conferences are so many opportunities available to you. To not let your opportunity gone with the wind, always think that you must have business cards. When we meet someone, and we don't have business card is actually harmful. In 90% of cases, when you do not have your own business card, then you meet people you said you will send it, but the fact you do not send your card. It's huge mistakes. Prepare your self to have your own business card.

Decompartmentalise personal and professional relationships

People tend to separate their personal from their professional relationships and it is a mistake. Do not hesitate to open up the personal and professional relationships. Share your interests with your professional relationships. by collaborating your personal and professional life, you can open doors unsuspected, the personal circle can become a relay exceptional.

Establish your image as an expert

One way to integrate your self related to your workplace is to establish your image as an expert in the field where you have jurisdiction. The way can be done by participating in discussion circles, intervening in seminars or conferences, exchanging on expert forums .

If such an activity can quickly become time consuming, both in terms of travel or time spent on the blogosphere, it is nevertheless an excellent showcase and therefore an ideal way to meet new people, increase their network quality.


Saat Ke Banjarmasin pasti sudah tak asing lagi mendengar nama cendrawasih restaurant yang terletak di Jalan pangeran Samudra No 65/24 tepat di hook sebuah perempatan yang sudah terkenal menyajikan kuliner Khas Banjar masin.
Saat Pertama disana yang pertama kali saya cari ialah Soto banjar. soto yang berbahan dasar ketupat, suwiran ayam, telur, dan kuah rempah-rempah ini sangat mudah ditemukan dan rasanya wahhhhh.....
lalu dilanjutkan dengan Ikan patin bakar yang juga dengan mudah ditemui di Banjarmasin ini.
dan akhirnya menu istimewa tiba telur penyu waaaaaawwwww ini yang saya cari-cari dari tadi dan yang menarik disini ialah bagaimana cara menyantap telur penyu ini. telur penyu itu berbeda dengan telur-telur kebanyakan cara menyantapnya dirobek dulu kulitnya lalu di sruupuutttt isi telurnya karena selama apapun telur penyu direbus tak bisa keras seperti telur-telur lainnya dan yang saya dengar banyak sekali khasiat dari telur penyu selain menambah stamina bagi pria telur ini bisa menambah nafsu makan terbukti setelah saya menyantap telur ini saya malah semakin ingin makan dan makan lagi :d dan akhirnya saya memesan bebek panggang ala banjarmasin yang mencampur langsung kecap dan saus pada bebek. dan padahal masih ingin menghabiskan semua santapan yang ada di restoran itu tapi teringat saya disini akan singgah dalam waktu lama dan tak mungkin uang saku saya habiskan disini saja :D
Lihat Juga : Cafe

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Wajan Takoyaki

Takoyaki (たこ焼き?) nama makanan asal daerah Kansai di Jepang, berbentuk bola-bola kecil dengan diameter 3-5 cm yang dibuat dari adonan tepung terigu diisi potongan gurita di dalamnya.
Takoyaki biasanya dijual sebagai japanese food jajanan di pinggir jalan untuk dinikmati sebagai cemilan. Takoyaki biasa dijual dalam bentuk set dengan 1 set berisi 5, 6, 8 hingga 10 buah takoyaki yang disajikan di atas lembaran plastik berbentuk perahu atau dimasukkan ke dalam kemasan plastik transparan untuk dibawa pulang. Sewaktu ada matsuri sering dijumpai kios penjual takoyaki sebesar bola tenis (jambotako) yang menjual takoyaki secara satuan.

Takoyaki dimakan dengan menggunakan tusuk gigi, tapi di Tokyo dimakan dengan menggunakan sumpit sekali pakai. Penjual takoyaki selalu memberikan 2 batang tusuk gigi untuk satu orang, karena takoyaki yang ditusuk dengan sebatang tusuk gigi bisa berputar-putar sewaktu diangkat dan jatuh sebelum masuk ke mulut.

Pada mulanya, takoyaki dijual dengan menggunakan tusukan bambu dengan isi 3 buah per tusuk. Di sekitar tahun 2000 masih bisa dijumpai sebuah kios yang menjual takoyaki dengan tusukan bambu di Prefektur Aichi, tapi sekarang sudah tutup dengan alasan usia lanjut penjualnya.

Harga takoyaki bisa berbeda-beda bergantung wilayah dan kios yang menjual. Satu set berisi 5-8 buah takoyaki biasa dihargai antara 200 yen hingga 400 yen. Di daerah Kansai, harga bisa menjadi lebih murah akibat persaingan ketat di antara penjual.

Di kota Osaka, kios penjual takoyaki bisa dengan mudah dijumpai di mana-mana. Penjual dengan kios yang agak luas kadangkala menyediakan ruangan khusus untuk makan takoyaki, tapi takoyaki sering dinikmati secara santai sambil berdiri, berjongkok atau dimakan sambil berjalan. Pembeli bisa menonton penjual yang sedang membolak-balik takoyaki agar bulat seperti bola sambil menunggu pesanannya jadi. Takoyaki sebaiknya dinikmati di tempat dalam keadaan panas-panas, walaupun pembeli sering meminta dibungkus untuk dibawa pulang.

Takoyaki merupakan jajanan populer yang dijual kios pasar kaget (yatai) sewaktu hatsumode (kunjungan pertama ke kuil di awal tahun baru) dan berbagai matsuri. Toko makanan ringan tradisional (dagashiya) yang merupakan tempat jajan anak sekolah sering menjual takoyaki dengan harga yang lebih murah.

Kios takoyaki bisa dijumpai di toko swalayan di kota-kota besar di Jepang. Di toko swalayan bisa dijumpai takoyaki sebagai makanan beku yang tinggal dipanaskan dengan oven microwave.

Setiap rumah di Osaka biasanya dimiliki wajan (loyang) untuk membuat sendiri takoyaki di rumah. Sebagai makanan kebanggaan yang sering dijadikan lauk untuk makan nasi putih, penduduk Osaka biasanya baik perempuan maupun laki-laki tahu cara membuat dan bisa memanggang takoyaki. Bahan-bahan untuk membuat takoyaki tersedia secara lengkap di toko. Wajan takoyaki merupakan salah satu perabot rumah tangga yang harus dihadiahkan orangtua kepada anak perempuan yang menjadi pengantin.

Bahan rahasia (seperti baking powder) atau asinan jahe berwarna merah (benishōga) sering pula dicampurkan ke dalam adonan. Penjual yang senang berkreasi kadangkala menambahkan keju atau konnyaku ke dalam takoyaki.

Saus yang dipakai biasanya adalah saus okonomiyaki walaupun ada juga saus khusus untuk takoyaki yang rasanya tidak jauh berbeda dengan saus okonomiyaki.

Takoyaki dengan isi yang disukai penduduk setempat (kadang-kadang tanpa gurita) berusaha diperkenalkan di negara-negara yang penduduknya merasa ngeri memakan gurita.
sumber: wikipedia
Lihat Juga: chinese food

Nasi Goreng Istimewa

Kalian semua menghadapi kendala dalam sarapan pagi, atau sarapan siang mungkin (apalagi kalo menyiapkannya butuh waktu lama).

Saya coba sharing sedikit kiat kiat / tips untuk membuat nasi goreng yang sederhana dan cukup sedap untuk disantap. Sebenarnya sih sedap atau enak itu relatif, karena selera orang berbeda-beda. Tidak ada salahnya membuat kuliner untuk sarapan yang tidak butuh waktu lama, namun cukup sederhana.

Kiat Kiat membuat nasi goreng sebagai sarapan pagi :

* Kiat 1 : persiapkan nasi putih yang sudah matang, jika punya rice cooker, keluarkan nasi dari rice cooker. Nasi goreng akan terasa lebih nikmat jika nasi yang dibuat adalah nasi yang dingin. Nasi panas akan membuat nasi goreng menjadi lembek dan basah

* Kiat 2 : jika kita ingin menu khusus untuk nasi goreng kita, mungkin malam sebelumnya perlu belanja sedikit, seperti bumbu nasi goreng siap masak, atau daging olahan yang menjadi kesukaan kita (sosis, baso, udang, seafood, dll).

* Kiat 3 : optimalkan bahan makanan yang ada di dapur kita sendiri jika tidak ingin repot dan masih tetap sedarhana. Biasanya di dalam kulkas akan tersedia telur, nugget, bumbu bumbu masak sederhana (bawang putih, saos, kecap, dll.) Sangatlah merepotkan jika sarapan pagi dibuat rumit, selain waktu pembuatannya sedikit, waktu santapnya pun sempit.

* Kiat 4 : Tambahksn sedikit protein sebagai sumber tenaga kita untuk keperluan sehari penuh. protein bisa didapat dari telur, sosis, daging olahan apapun yang ada di kulkas kita.

* Kiat 5 : Jika kita menginginkan rasa dan warna tertentu, bisa disiapkan sesuai dengan bahan masakan yang ada. rasa manis bisa didatangkan dari kecap. Rasa gurih bisa didapatkan dari bawang putih, mentega, dan daging2. Rasa pedas dari sambal doong. Buatlah sesuai dengan selera. Sedangkan untuk penambahan warna, bisanya untuk nasi goreng, dikenal dengan warna coklat (kecap), merah (sambal), dan putih (mentega).

* Kiat 6 : nasi goreng akan terasa lebih sedap lagi kalo kita masak sendiri, kalo dibikinin orang, kadang suka protes, tapi kalo bikin sendiri, walopun rada2 ga enak, tapi puas deh dengan hsil buatan kita.

* Kiat 6 : Cara masaknya, bahan2 bumbu, mentega, daging2an sebaiknya ditumis duluan, sampai wangi. Setelah itu, setelah daging kira2 masak, masukkan nasi putih yang dingin. aduk sampai merata sekitar 10 menitan, sambil ditambahkan perasa dan pewarna yang sudah dipesiapkan (kecap, mentega, sambal, dll.). Sajikan di piring sesuai kebutuhan (kalau bisa, jangan tersisa, karena nanti nasi goreng jadi keras banget dan kurang enak disantap.

* Kiat 6 : Jika ditambahkan keju juga bisa membuat nasi goreng kita lebih gurih lagi. cocoknya sih kaju slice. bisa dipotong kecil ukuran 1cmx1cm atau bisa juga dilembarin diatas nasi gorengnya. Kalo puny kerupuk bisa lebih kriuk kriuk tuh. Kalo punya timun atau tomat, bisa ditambahkan di pinggir nasi goreng kita.
sumber: Ibu Kreatif

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Red Mango

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Ten Tips to Reduce Stress

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As people are working harder but taking less time off than ever before, the level of their stress continues to increase in proportion. Also, the days are gone when people worked for the same company for 30 years with the guarantee of receiving a solid gold watch at their retirement party.

Job changes are more frequent now, and that's an additional source of stress.

How do you know if you're overstressed? Ask yourself the following stress management questions.

Do you:

  • Rush in a panic to work every morning?
  • Eat lunch at your desk to get as much work done as possible?
  • Feel too exhausted at the end of the day to enjoy activities at night?
  • Ruminate as you try to fall asleep about what needs to be done the next day?
  • Dream (or have nightmares) about work related issues?
  • Put off vacations or other family activities because you're too busy with work?

If you answered yes to at least two of these stress management questions, stress is probably affecting your life more than you realize. You may benefit a great deal by utilizing some basic stress management tools.

It's not uncommon for overstressed people to either ignore or fail to recognize the signs that they're over-committed to their work. However, the physical and emotional consequences of working as hard and as fast as you can every day are serious, and include increased risk of a heart attack, decreased resistance to infections, anxiety and more.

Let’s focus now on some good news about effective stress management techniques?

Fortunately, the process of redesigning an overstressed life can be relatively straightforward, and includes a full assessment of stress-related activities in ones daily and weekly routine.

Stress management actions require an awareness that there is a problem to begin with and a personal commitment to identify and change the stress-related behavior.

Here are Ten Stress Management Tips you can use to reduce your workplace stress:

  1. Prioritize! Don't try to get everything done at the same time. Attack the most important items first.
  2. When you get interrupted by someone at work, put them on your schedule and tell them you'll get back to them at an agreed-upon time. Maintain ownership of your own time.
  3. Don't eat lunch at your desk, and don't bring work with you to lunch. Schedule some down time.
  4. Use deep-breathing exercises or relaxation techniques to de-stress during the day. Go for a 20 minute walk every day.
  5. Reduce the noise in your environment by shutting your office door if you have one. Take control of your environment.
  6. Don't keep things bottled up. Let co-workers know if something they're doing is causing you stress. Address things calmly and professionally.
  7. Eat right, sleep right and exercise regularly (with your doctor's permission).
  8. Try leaving the radio off in your car on the way home. Many people find that the quiet helps them unwind and is a basic stress management practice.
  9. When at home, don't dwell on work-related problems. Write them down, put them out of your mind and add them to your schedule the next day. Understand that there is a time and a place for everything.
  10. Use peers and associates as a sounding board for discussing work-related issues and minimize bringing issues into the family home.

Even if you're not feeling particularly stressed right now by your work life, these stress management ideas can help you continue to enjoy your work life to its fullest and protect you against future stresses.

Five Tips for starting an e-business

Jobs Vacancy, Job Vacancies, Employment Jobs

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Thinking of launching your existing business on the World Wide Web? Or, perhaps, finally pulling the trigger on your great idea for a web-based business? Either way, you better get busy because there just so happens to be an e-commerce revolution taking place while you're thinking about it.

But before you take the plunge into the new world of e-business, you'll need to do quite a bit of homework in order to ensure it's right for you and your company. Following are five things you'll want to consider before hanging your shingle out on the information superhighway.

1. Identify your customers/market. Knowledge of your e-business customers and assessment of their future needs will be your first priority and should correspond to your company's abilities, goals and marketing objectives. Ask yourself who are your potential customers? Where are the best places to reach potential customers? Determine what your customers want and need from your company and your products. Are they comfortable using computers and accessing the Internet? Does your product cater to any particular niche?

2. Evaluate your e-business readiness. Analyze your infrastructure and create a sound business plan. Get in touch with the local Chamber of Commerce and Small Business Development Center for assistance and information on tax laws, industry, business planning and patents. Determine how your company will handle the Internet-generated revenue. Do your homework regarding the international tax laws for each country that you will be active within commerce. Ask yourself, what method is most effective in getting the product to the customer? How will you insure payment?

3. Solidify your marketing messages. What message do you wish to portray to potential customers? What do you want your customers to feel when they hear your company name, see your web site and view your products? Brainstorm. Get some imaginative people involved, and then create your image. Create a marketing plan to promote your site and your products. Stay consistent with that message throughout every medium, whether it is traditional print, radio, web site banners, search engines or newsgroups.

4. Analyze your financial investments and return. Do your best to determine all costs ahead of time. The era of the single page web site has long since passed. Today even the most basic e-commerce web sites integrate a variety of scripts, databases and several tools that make processing transactions easy and secure. But add to this the cost of design, hosting and the purchase of additional software. Consider shipping costs if your product can't be sent through the Internet. Calculate your costs and investments to help determine your rate of return. A well-run e-business is worth the effort. Several costs are minimized or eliminated, such as printing, mailing and handling costs for paper catalogs. An e-commerce site will compliment your distribution channels by bringing in customers from previously untapped regions without the overhead expense of running a mail order business.

5. Determine the level of your e-commerce solution. Depending on the nature of your business, you can set up your storefront in a number of ways. The more involved your online store, the bigger the investment. But, the benefits that arise with a bigger online store are bigger as well.

Here are 3 examples:

The Content Only Approach: Think of this as an electronic brochure that publishes information about your company and products. It is easy to set up and maintain but lacks interaction, hence customers have to order offline.

The Dynamic Catalog Approach: Your online business is set up to operate 24x7 and fill orders over the web. With this approach you will have to incorporate a scalable e-commerce solution. This will allow you to further integrate it with your business model in the future, without placing extra burden on your operations.

The Total Integration Approach: Plan well in advance in terms of time and money. This solution will fully integrate your web site with all aspects of your business-payment systems, order fulfillment, inventory control and all of your traditional business functions. The end result is a web presence that truly is a cohesive extension of your company.

Regardless of the approach, it is important to select the plan that meets the needs of your e-business in the near term. As your business grows, any good service provider will grow along with you, offering an easy migration path to enhanced services and support.

After you have done your homework and selected the best e-commerce plan for your company, you?ll be on your way to joining the thousands of other e-businesses competing in the new world of business.

Verio (nasdaq: VRIO - news - people), based in Englewood, Colo., provides web-hosting and other Internet services.

Nasi Goreng Minimalis

Nasi goreng adalah salah satu favorit menu saya dan suami untuk sarapan karena mudah dan cepat. Nasi putih yang masih tersisa dari menu makan malam pun tidak terbuang percuma. Biasanya saya masak nasi goreng dengan bumbu yang minimalis, hanya bawang putih cincang, bawang bombay cincang, garam, merica, dan kecap. Saking minimalisnya suami berpendapat bahwa nasi goreng saya cuma bentuknya saja yang mirip nasi goreng, sedangkan rasanya jauh berbeda dengan nasi goreng yang pernah dia makan sebelumnya. Beberapa hari lalu saya berniat masak nasi goreng dengan bumbu yang cukup lengkap. Hasilnya? Lumayan mirip dengan nasi goreng restoran. Ini dia resep nasi goreng teri ala sauskecap.com.

Bahan :

* 1 piring penuh nasi putih
* 50 gram teri, goreng kering
* 3 butir bawang merah
* 2 siung bawang putih
* 1 butir kemiri
* 3 buah cabe merah
* 4 sendok kecap manis
* garam dan merica bubuk secukupnya

Cara membuat :

* haluskan bawang merah, bawang putih, kemiri, dan cabe merah, sisihkan
* panaskan sedikit minyak goreng dalam wajan, masukkan bumbu halus, tumis hingga harum
* masukkan nasi putih, aduk rata, tambahkan kecap manis, garam, dan merica
* aduk hingga tercampur rata, masukkan teri goreng, aduk-aduk sebentar
* angkat dan sajikan bersama telur ceplok
sumber: sauskecap
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red mango

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Kisah Perjalanan Anak Muda Yang Semangat

Tak perlu binggung kemana menghabiskan malam akhir pekan. Mampir saja ke cafe Pante Pirak Bakery and restaurant, kawasan pertokoan simpang lima Banda Aceh.

Di sana sekelompok anak muda siap menghibur anda dengan pertunjukkan musik live. Messa Band, nama grup musik para mahasiswa itu. Menurut Muhammad Reza, sang manager, Messa terbentuk dari keinginan bermain musik profesional.

“Awalnya kita tidak kenal satu sama lain, tapi kemudian kita merasa cocok dan kemudian bersepakat untuk bergaung dalam sebuah wadah,” kata Reza.

Para personil Messa yakni Reza vokalis, Zulirfan Malao memainkan keyboard, Zulkifli dan Yuril memetik gitar, Ansarullah pemain bass dan Adil penabuh drum.

Lucunya, nama Messa dari rasa senasib para personil. Semuanya, anak rantau. “Kami mahasiswa dan tinggal di mess, jadi memilih nama Messa,” jelas Reza sambil tersenyum sumringah.

Sejak terbentuk pada Juli tahun 2008 lalu, Band Messa sudah memulai menunjukkan debutnya. Selain pertunjukkan live, juga sudah merilis single-single bertajuk cinta dengan aliran musik pop rock.

Zulirfan Malao, salah seorang personil, menyebutkan beberapa single yang sudah dirilis diantaranya, lagu berjudul Rasa Hati, Menanti, dan Kasih. Selain itu, Messa juga rajin berkompetisi.

Sebagai mahasiswa, tentu saja bukan ’cinta-cintaan’ saja yang diurus. Messa menunjukkan idealisme-nya lewat musik. Tahun lalu, mereka menjadi juara dua lomba jingle anti korupsi yang diselenggarakan oleh KPK di Aceh.

Mempertahankan keberadaan band menjadi hal utama dalam setiap perjalanan Messa. “Kita selalu mengutamakan diskusi dan demokrasi untuk setiap upaya penyelesaian masalah di band,” jelas Reza.

Masih banyak mimpi yang harus diwujudkan oleh Messa, diantaranya menjadi band papan atas di blantika musik indonesia. “Itu mimpi kami, dan kami berharap itu bisa terwujud, meski jalannya masih panjang,” ungkap Reza.

sumber : acehkita.com

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Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Solaria Plasa Semanggi

Siapa sih yang belum mengenal Solaria? Sangking majunya dan terkenalnya Solaria, mereka membuka 4 cabang di Plaza Semanggi.

YUP!! Empat!! Yang pertama buka di Lt. GF (depan Gramedia), kemudian di Lt. 1, Lt. 9 dan Lt. 10.

Tetapi, yang membuat Solaria Lt. 10 ini lebih menarik adalah view, kapasitas dan suasananya. Kita bisa makan sambil melihat-lihat pemandangan segitiga emas Jakarta.

Memang, Solaria Atmosphere ini banyak dikunjungi sewaktu malam. Mungkin karena banyak orang yang menyukai pemandangan waktu malam, yakni melihat city lights dari Jakarta. Tetapi jangan salah, Kita juga menikmati view yang indah pada siang hari.

Walau terletak di lt. 10 Plaza Semanggi dan berada di luar ruangan, anda tidak akan merasakan gerah atau kepanasan. Karena, angin yang berhembus cukup menyejukkan. Ditemani dengan alunan lagu-lagu yang sedang hits, membuat suasana makan siang anda menjadi lebih nikmat.

Siang hari ini aku memesan salah satu menu makanan kegemaranku di Solaria, yakni Nasi Goreng Kepiting. Kemudian minuman yang kupilih untuk menemani makan siangku adalah caramel frapucinno. Berikut reviewnya:

Sebenarnya nasi gorengnya adalah nasi goreng biasa di Solaria, hanya saja penyajiannya yang membuatnya menjadi luar biasa. Nasi goreng tersebut diberi "toping" kepiting yang buanyaaaaaaakkkkk.... makanya ini menjadi menu kegemaranku di Solaria.

Untuk minuman kali ini aku mencoba caramel frapucinno ini. gak ngerti sih terbuat dari apa, tapi bagi yang pecinta minuman "ice blended", dan rasa manis, minuman ini patut di coba. (walau menurut aku sih terlalu manis.. berhubung aku sudah manis... gubrak!!)

sekian ulasanku mengenai Solaria Atmosphere di Sky Dinning Plaza Semanggi... Kembali ke Open Rice.
Sumber: OpenRice.com

Lihat Juga:
Red mango

Icip-Icip di Cibadak

Banyak banget bertebaran pedagang berbagai jenis makanan di kawasan jalan cibadak bandung dan malam ini kita mampir di tempat makan yang namanya “Kobe”. Dari namanya kita udah bisa menerka kalau tempat ini menyajikan masakan ala jepang, tapi ga cuma Japanese food aja kok; Chinese food-nya juga ada.

Tempat ini salah satu tempat pilihan kita kalau lagi pengen makan enak dan kenyang. Dan menu yang kita pesan selalu itu itu saja, bukan karena yang lainya ga enak tapi memang menu itu udah menu pilihan kalau kita makan di Kobe jl cibadak ini. Menu yang dipesan di sini adalah Juan Lo yang diletakkan di atas steam boat, kangkung cah sapi dan udang tempura bayam.

Nikmat banget rasanya sewaktu menikmati Juan Lo yang panas panas, apalagi kalau paginya pegel pegel sehabis olahraga dan malam sebelum makan malam pijit dulu di bersih sehat. Wah top deh, makanan yang udah enakpun semakin enak dan nikmat sewaktu disantap

Setelah asik menikmati Juan Lo, kita bisa sambung dengan menikmati kangkung cah sapi yang bumbunya berasa banget; dan juga kriuk kriuk udang tempura plus daun bayam, irisan wortel dan terung yang digoreng menggunakan tepung bumbu.

Setiap datang ke sini kita selalu ambil posisi untuk duduk di luar alias di pinggiran trotoar bukan di bagian dalam kobe, biar tambah asik liatin cewe cewe manis yang lalu lalang untuk mencari makanan pilihan di kawasan ini dan biar ga begitu terganggu dengan pengamen yang setiap lima menit bisa gonta ganti karena para pengamen ini biasa koar koar dulu di bagian dalam.

Penasaran pengen nyobain? dateng aja ke Kobe, tempat makan yang berada di kawasan jalan cibadak bandung ini; dan kalau bingung nyarinya ya tanya aja, secara di kawasan ini tempat makan semua.
Sumber: Bandunglife

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

What Television’s First Woman President Has To Teach Us (Part 11)

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Many women naturally have high likeability factors and can ramp up their authority and not lose all their likeability.

I worked with a young woman in her twenties whose public relations career had derailed due to her poor presentation skills. When she stood up to present, she acted like a little girl, losing all credibility and authority.

I asked her to pretend she was a tough-talking member of a women’s motorcycle gang. “Spit out the words!” I demanded. As she did, her voice got louder and deeper.

By getting in touch with her anger, the timid, little girl was transformed into a powerful woman.
Her coworkers were impressed and their positive feedback helped her overcome her discomfort in acting out her authority. From then on, she remembered the “motorcycle mama” whenever she presented and reclaimed the authority she already possessed.

Along with attitude, stance, eye contact, pausing, and vocal quality signal authority. When they present, many women I coach assume a dancer’s pose with one toe pointed out at a ninety-degree angle. While this stance may be pretty and feminine, it holds no authority. I counsel both men and women to stand in their full power by placing their feet shoulder-width apart and equally distributing their weight.

The eyes have been called the “windows of the soul.” As such, they are one of our greatest assets in winning audiences. I coach executives to begin their presentations by standing in silence, finding a friendly face, establishing eye contact, taking a deep breath, and then beginning their talk. This simple tip helps speakers become grounded and start their presentations with authority.

Many presenters talk while moving their heads from person to person like a sprinkler system, or worse they lose all connection with their audience by staring at one person, the slide screen, or into space. I train presenters to pick one person and maintain steady eye contact with that person until they have delivered a complete thought.

Like intensive eye contact, pausing signals authority. I teach students that there is power in the pause and recommend that pauses be used to emphasize important points.

Thirty-eight percent of our power as a presenter is determined by vocal quality. To maximize vocal quality, I suggest that women consider:
1. Raising the volume and projecting their voice.
2. Lowering the pitch of their voice, if needed.
3. Avoiding letting the intonation rise at the end of a sentence, or what Jerry Seinfeld termed “up-talking.” Up-talkers often appear uncertain about what they are saying, thus losing all authority and credibility.

Stance, eye contact, pausing, and vocal quality enhance a businesswoman’s authority when she speaks, but nothing creates a more powerful impression than conviction. While many women have strong convictions, they often have a difficult time expressing them. Most women have a conversational style that strives to make others feel comfortable. To accomplish this, many women position their beliefs as opinions and use disclaimers before they speak, such as, “I may be wrong about this, but.…” While this conversational style is extremely effective in building consensus, it can undermine the authority of the speaker.

When women speak with absolute certainty, claiming their full authority, their likeability factor may decrease, but it is worth it if they are able to garner the respect and recognition they deserve.

What Television’s First Woman President Has To Teach Us (Part 1)

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By: Randy Siegel

I have a confession to make: I am addicted to Tuesday night’s new hit series “Commander and Chief.” Sure, Geena Davis is beautiful. She tall, regal, and has the best lips in the business after Angelia Jolie. But, television’s first woman president has captured my attention for another reason: I am fascinated with her communication style.

President Mackenzie Allen commands respect, and yet she is likeable. I would follow her lead and still enjoy throwing back a beer with her after a hard day of work in the White House.

Most women are damned-if-they-do and damned-if-they-don’t when it comes to communicating in the male-dominated worlds of politics, business, and education. In order to compete, they must find a delicate balance between authority and likeability.

All great communicators possess what I call “the terrific triad,” credibility, likeability, and authority. While many women want to claim their authority, they are concerned about appearing too domineering or abrasive, and thus losing likeability. “We are in a double bind,” one female executive shared.

To make matters worse, our culture associates authority with men. When we think of those traits we consider authoritative, we immediately think of tall, solidly built, and a lower pitched voice – all characteristics associated with men, not women.
In today’s world, women are expected to be both authoritative and feminine. “That’s very hard,” most women agree. In my experience as a communications trainer and coach, most women have to sacrifice some likeability for authority, and that is okay.

Women Who Dared to Invent

Job, jobs, career

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As you sip your morning coffee you probably don’t give any thought as to how the actual process of coffee brewing came to be. If it wasn’t for a frustrated housewife in Dresden, Germany, you might have to brew your coffee by wrapping loose coffee grounds in a cloth bag and boil water around it. Suddenly you have a much better appreciation for Melitta Bentz’s invention.

Knowing there had to be a better way, she stuck some blotting paper in the bottom of a pot that she had poked holes in. Then she poured the water over it. This filtered out the bitter taste. It worked, and she started manufacturing her “coffemakers” and selling them at local fairs. They were a hit.

Other women felt the same frustration and started the invention process. Marion Donovan was a young mom who spent her days washing, bleaching and drying cloth baby diapers. She put together some padding and a show curtain and came up with a prototype. She took her product, “The Boater” around to manufacturers who all told her it would be too expensive to make and turned her down.

So she manufactured the product herself and sold them to department stores. Pretty soon the idea caught on. Moms went into the stores asking for the throwaway diaper. Mrs. Donovan sold her company for $1 million dollars and made moms around the world very happy.

Marie Curie was the only person to win two Nobel prizes. She was a scientist and an inventor. She invented a chemical process for extracting radioactive material from ore and she also discovered radium.

Anyone who has used a personal computer can thank Admiral Grace Murray Hopper for inventing the first computer compiler. The way software was written was changed. They no longer had to write time-consuming instructions for each new software package. She developed COBOL, which is the first user-friendly computer software program.

If you take your lunch to work in a brown paper bag you have Martha Knight to thank for it. She invented the machine that produced them. She was also the first woman to fight and win a patent suit after a man stole her design and put his name on it. He couldn’t imagine that a woman could create such a complex machine. She went on to invent several other machines and tools.

As more women are encouraged to invent, the list of women inventors grows. But still today less than 10% of patents belong to women. Necessity is truly the mother of invention.

Copyright (c) 2010 Julie Austin

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Cheff Handal di The Duck King

DAGING bebek kini menjadi salah satu makanan kegemaran banyak orang. Bagi Anda pencinta daging bebek, tak perlu repot lagi berburu daging bebek lezat dan empuk. Anda bisa menyantapnya di Restoran The Duck King Kitchen.

Tak hanya menyediakan makanan Chinese food, The Duck King Kitchen juga menghadirkan berbagai varian makanan dari Asia Tenggara. Seiring dengan banyaknya permintaan pelanggan, The Duck King Kitchen hadir memperkenalkan menu baru dan perubahan ini juga yang menjadi dasar daripada pergantian nama restoran The Duck King Kitchen dari nama sebelumnya, Fat Ya.

“The Duck King Kitchen merupakan konsep terakhir dari The Duck King Group yang diperkenalkan pada 2009. Sebelumnya namanya adalah Fat Ya. Ini adalah bistro-style restoran yang menyediakan makanan Chinese dengan campuran masakan khas Asia Tenggara lainnya,” jelas Toni Wijaya Thjin selaku Manager The Duck King Kitchen saat ditemui di Plaza Indonesia Extention lantai 4, Jakarta, Kamis (6/4/2010).

Toni pun menjelaskan beberapa menu istimewa yang bisa customer nikmati saat menyambangi The Duck King Kitchen. “Menu istimewa yang tersedia di The Duck King Kitchen, di antaranya tahu goreng ala Thai, jagung telur asin, salad mangga, tumis daging bebek cincang dengan saus lada hitam, tumis daging bebek cincang dengan lotus, dan tak ketinggalan, bebek pecking,” lanjutnya.

Untuk menghasilkan bebek pecking yang empuk, The Duck King Kitchen merendam bebek dalam racikan bumbu istimewa selama 24 jam. “Supaya daging bebek empuk, maka harus direndam dalam racikan bumbu selama 24 jam. Selain empuk, bumbu pun meresap sehingga menghasilkan rasa yang luar biasa ketika disantap. Kemudian, bebek bisa dipanggang dalam oven sekitar 3-4 jam dan customer bisa mengonsumsinya dengan saus hoisin atau saus lada hitam,” terangnya.

The Duck King Kitchen membandrol harga mulai dari Rp9.800 untuk dim sum hingga bebek pecking dengan porsi setengah ekor seharga Rp118.000, dan untuk satu ekor bebek pecking, Anda hanya perlu membayar Rp218.000.

The Duck King Group sendiri membuka outlet pertamanya pada 2003 di Jakarta Selatan. Daging bebek merupakan menu andalannya. Kini, The Duck King Group telah memiliki 12 cabang di empat kota besar di Indonesia dengan empat konsep restoran berbeda, di antaranya Duck King Kitchen, The Grand Duck King (mengusung konsep “signature" yang merupakan tempat makan bernuansa formal dengan desain modern dan kontemporer), The Duck King (konsep pertama yang diperkenalkan The Duck King Group dengan konsep restoran Chinese yang sederhana), dan Imperial Chef (satu-satunya restoran dengan nuansa modern beraksen oriental).

Keistimewaan lain yang ditawarkan The Duck King Group, setiap restoran ditangani oleh Executive Chef dan Manager Restaurant yang berasal dari Malaysia, Singapura, dan Hong Kong dengan pengalaman minimal 10 tahun. Jadi, Anda tak akan kecewa saat menikmati olahan makanan yang disajikan.
Sumber: okefood

lihat Juga:
Chinese food

Berbagai Jenis Buffet

Salah satu bentuk buffet adalah memiliki sebuah meja penuh dengan piring berisi makanan porsi tetap; pelanggan pilih piring berisi makanan apa yang mereka inginkan saat mereka berjalan bersama. Formulir ini paling sering terlihat di cafetaria. Sebuah variasi terjadi di sebuah rumah Dim sum, di mana para pengunjung membuat pilihan mereka dari troli beroda berisi piring makanan yang bersirkulasi melalui restoran. Lain turunan dari jenis buffet terjadi di mana pelanggan memilih makanan dari buffet gaya layout dan kemudian membayar berdasarkan apa yang dipilih.

Bentuk lain, yang dikenal sebagai all-you-can-eat, lebih bebas-form: pelanggan membayar biaya tetap dan kemudian dapat membantu diri mereka untuk makanan sebanyak yang mereka ingin makan di makanan tunggal. Bentuk ini sering ditemukan di restaurant, terutama di hotel.

Jenis ketiga buffet biasa ditawarkan di toko makanan dan supermarket adalah salad bar, di mana pelanggan membantu diri mereka sendiri untuk selada dan bahan salad lainnya, kemudian membayar dengan berat.

Jenis keempat buffet dikaitkan dengan perayaan semacam.

Sebagai kompromi antara self-service dan pelayanan meja penuh, buffet mungkin staf yang ditawarkan: pengunjung membawa piring sendiri sepanjang garis buffet dan diberikan sebagian dari server di setiap stasiun. Metode ini lazim pada melayani pertemuan di mana pengunjung tidak membayar khusus untuk makanan mereka.

Suatu bentuk buffet tradisional di Swedia adalah hamparan, yang secara harfiah berarti meja sandwich.

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Japanese food kaki lima di solo Yang Mantab :D

Di daftar menunya tertulis Tempura, Teriyaki, Yakiniku, dan Katsu, tapi jangan salah, ini bukan HokBen yang terkenal itu. Menu-menu itu ditawarkan oleh warung Japanese Food Pak Warto 31, satu-satunya warung masakan Jepang kelas kaki lima di Kota Solo.

Tampak dari luar, warung yang terletak di jalan Supomo, samping Pengadilan Negeri Solo ini memang sederhana. "Memang warungnya sederhana, tapi kalau menurut banyak pelanggan, rasanya nggak kalah dengan yang dijual di mall-mall itu, dan yang jelas harganya lebih terjangkau" ujar ibu Gemi, pengelola warung. Warung ini dikelola oleh ibu Gemi bersama Pak Warto, suaminya, sebagai juru masak.

Pak Warto mendapatkan keahlian memasak masakan Jepang saat menjadi koki di salah satu restoran masakan Jepang di Jakarta. Lalu dia mencoba peruntungannya dengan membuka warung masakan Jepang kaki lima di Jakarta, dan bertahan hingga 20 tahun. Sampai akhirnya dia memutuskan pulang ke Solo, dan membuka warung yang sama di Solo. Meskipun baru berdiri sejak 3 tahun lalu, warung ini sudah memiliki banyak pelanggan setia dari berbagai kalangan. Saat jam makan malam, kadang pengunjung harus rela antri.

Jangan ragu soal kehalalannya, "Kami sama sekali tidak memakai sake dan daging babi, jadi dijamin halal," ungkap ibu Gemi. Rasa makanan Jepang di warung Japanese Food Pak Warto 31 juga sudah disesuaikan dengan lidah orang Indonesia. Namun, ada satu bahan yang tetap dipertahankan, dan tidak bisa digantikan, yakni Kikkoman alias kecap Jepang. Kikkoman digunakan untuk membuat kuah maupun saus. Menurut penuturan pak Warto, kecap ini di Solo tidak ada yang jual, dia biasa membeli Kikkoman yang asli di Jogja atau Semarang.

Soal harga? Murah! Untuk makanannya mulai dari Rp 6.000 hingga Rp 14.000. Warung Japanese Food Pak Warto 31 buka dari jam 17.00-22.00 WIB.
Sumber: langsungenak

Lihat Juga Chinese food

Belajar Membuat Nasi Goreng Bali

Nasi goreng Bali dengan pelengkap: ayam pelalah, bawang goreng, irisan tomat, daun selada

400 gr nasi putih
100 gr udang, kupas, sisakan ekornya
2 btr telur, kocok lepas
50 gr kol iris tipis
3 bh cabai rawit, iris tipis
3 sdm minyak goreng
5 sdm bawang goreng untuk taburan

8 bh bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
3 bh cabai merah
½ sdt terasi
½ sdt merica bubuk
1 sdt garam

1. Tumis bumbu halus sampai harum, masukkan telur dan udang, aduk rata.
2. Tambahkan nasi, cabai rawit, aduk rata, masukkan kol, aduk hingga matang.
3. Angkat, sajikan dengan ayam pelalah, taburan bawang goreng dan pelengkap lainnya.
sumber: tabloid nova

Lihat Juga:
red mango

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Aksen Oriental di Tropica Lombok

Bagi mereka yang lebih memilih pilihan makanan terbaik dan beragam baik pilihan pada menu, untuk sebagian besar hotel Lombok masih menjamin ketika datang untuk mendapatkan makanan yang berkualitas. Jauh dari hotel terdapat banyak restaurant dan cafe di sekitar pulau di mana Anda dapat menikmati hidangan tradisional Indonesia, tanpa harus menguras kantong anda.

Oriental aksen dan Mediterania juga mudah ditemukan, di restoran di sepanjang pantai Senggigi tetapi di mana pulau benar-benar unggul dalam produksi makanan laut segar. tangkapan ikan di bakar dan daging disusun di atas BBQs di pantai, lezat dan menambah pengalaman baru, ini adalah makanlezat yang kucoba.

Menampilkan hidangan lokal yang disertai dengan musik hidup, Tropicana merupakan salah satu restoran pulau paling terkenal dan populer di Lombok. Terletak di Hotel Puri Mas, ongkos termasuk hidangan lezat seperti ikan Rijsttafel segar. tempat yang bersih dan mengadopsi interior Indonesia.

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Life Success: The Difference Between Values and Goals

Employment, Accounting, Banking

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By: Marsha Egan

Whether you believe it or not we are all governed by values. Our values influence how we make decisions and effectively run our lives. Values can be instilled in us or we can choose to adopt them. Our values can change. The important thing to know is that when we have strong values, and positive values, they will be integral to our achieving what we want in this life.

Values are not goals. Goals are targets. Values are the base upon which we run our lives.

Values are how you see the world, what you see as important, what you believe.

Why are we talking about values? Because they form the base for your approach to life! Values are the bedrock of your walking the path of life. They support and drive your purpose.

When coaching clients, one of the actions that we take is to have the client articulate what his or her values are. By writing them down, it is a way to keep our values present in our lives.

Here are a few ways to go about clarifying your values:

  1. Imagine you have a day to spend any way you want. What would you do? Some of the answers will give you clarity on what some of your values are.
  2. Think about your sense of right and wrong. As you articulate what is right, you will become more clear on your values.
  3. Consider what excites you and what motivates you. These will give you clues to values, as well.
  4. Ponder about the actions that can add stability to your life. This will open up thought on what those values might be

When you write down your values, it is important to write them in the present tense. As an example, you might write one of your values as "I am financially stable" rather than "I will be financially stable."

A great way to do all this, is to use index cards or sticky notes, because you may find that you will have many things written down. Most likely, they will work their way into natural groupings. Some people like to set a few overriding values, with supporting values.

To use the example above, an overall value could be "I am financially stable". You might have several supporting values to this statement such as, "I pay all my bills before the due date." "I review my insurance annually, " "I save x percent of my income."

Here are some areas where you might wish to state your values:

  • - family
  • - education
  • - morals
  • - community
  • - career
  • - friendships
  • - health
  • - finances
  • - recreation

While this may appear to be making more work than is necessary, it's interesting to see how, by being clear on what your values are, they can influence your actions.

In a personal example, one of my values is "I explore when I travel." On a recent speaking engagement in Oklahoma City, when I arrived at my hotel room, despite the fact that I was tired, I asked how far the Oklahoma Memorial was. When I found out it was only six blocks, I walked there, and was extremely glad that I did. It was a memorial to experience. I doubt that I would have done that, if I had not "lived" this value.

So, I urge you to take a little bit of time to become clear on what your values are. They are already there, most likely you just haven't put them to paper. It's nice to live them, and it's even nicer to pass them on to those who follow you.

Marsha Egan, CPCU, PCC is CEO of The Egan Group, Inc., a Reading, PA based professional coaching firm. She is a certified executive coach and professional speaker, specializing in leadership development and can be reached at marsha@marshaegan.com or visit www.marshaegan.com .

The Executive Summary is Your Business Plan's First Impression

Employment, Accounting, Banking

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By: Corey Landis

The executive summary is not a mini version of the entire business plan. Keep it brief, two to three pages long. The purpose of the executive summary is to entice the reader to review, or request to review, the entire business plan. While the executive summary is presented first, it is written after the entire plan has been completed. It should not contain any information that cannot be found elsewhere in the business plan. Don't write the executive summary first, with the idea you can always expand it later into a full blown business plan, that just doesn't work.

If your business plan will not be presented for investors or bankers you don't need to complete the executive summary.
A brief two to three page overview of the company with one or two paragraphs under each of the following headings:

  • Business Activity: The company's products or services.
  • Market Opportunity: Define the company's market base, the customers, where they are located. Number of customers or dollar size of market.
  • Business Profile: A very brief description of when the company was established, by whom, number of employees, any recent changes.
  • Competitive Factors: The competitors, their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Marketing Strategy: The company's marketing: advertising, promotions, methods of distribution, and sales force.
  • Management Team: Brief description of senior management.
  • Capital Required: Amount, uses and type of the capital requested.
  • Financial Summary: Brief summary of the financial performance of the company for the last three to five years, if available and what is projected for the next three to five years.

Some of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make in their executive summary include forgetting to put their contact information, name and phone number on each page. Not including the amount of your capital request. Not clearly articulating what business the company is in. Losing the reader in technical jargon. Some entrepreneurs think shorter is better but a one page executive summary isn't long enough to entice the reader. Most entrepreneurs have the intention to keep to no more than 3 pages but keep adding "just one more thing," until the summary is 10 or more pages long. Additional mistakes include forgetting to discuss the accomplishments of the management team. Not clearly stating who the customers (market) are. Not including the marketing strategies. And finally not including any financial projections.
If you want to know how to write a business plan you need to know what's included in the executive summary.

Small Business Ideas In Tough Economic Times

Employment, Accounting, Banking

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By: Dave Johnshon

The global population of those laid off, unemployed or otherwise searching for ways to make ends meet, has caused a widespread interest in exploring business ideas. It is no longer just women who aim to work at home and tend to the home front. Everywhere, people give consideration to how to earn a living.

An employer may unexpectedly fall short of revenue, and promptly serve notice to employees that their services are no longer needed. The media regularly depict the economic woes of millions who find themselves at a loss for income. The poor economy, while seemingly harsh and unsympathetic, may also provide impetus for people to exercise entrepreneurial reactions. When times are good, people may feel free to dabble with ways to enhance income.

In times when the economy is down and out, this may launch incredible spirited efforts to make business dreams come true. Photography buffs, for example, may decide that now is the time to make that photography hobby pay off.
There are at least half a dozen reputable companies, including publishing market industry dynamos, who are offering do it yourself publishing. People enjoy picture taking and picture browsing. It can be to your advantage to consider merging book publishing with photography interests. A collection of photos can be compiled into a book format.

To make your photography book stand out, a person can develop a theme. When you go to major book publishing portals and conduct market research, you can begin to separate fruitless efforts from proven ones. Which books are doing well, along with titles, can easily be seen online through major book vendor sites. You would then migrate the book concepts, table of contents and titles, along with keywords to your photo project. You would then revise these contents to make them uniquely yours. Perhaps bestsellers include books of children or animals. Perhaps there is inspiring text or some other type of text for readers.

A person can upload images to a custom book site provider to initiate the publishing process. Images can be obtained from a number of sources. Stock photography websites, images in the public domain, or pictures you take yourself.

To find suitable text to pair with images, a person can conduct online research using the many sites offering a variety of quotes. A person can also rewrite inspirational sayings found online.

Some book publishing sites allow you to also sell your books through their site. The publisher may allow you to set your own prices and see upfront what your earnings may be. Some publishers offer different methods of publishing. Electronic or print custom books are often available. The terms and conditions will vary. For instance, commission may be better using one method, but payment time may be worse. A publishing service will often allow you to buy your own books, potentially discounted in cost. This option might be the most economical. In which case you can stock your books and set up your own website with cross marketing through the publisher site. You can take your books to local merchants, such as coffee shops, for resell, or sell them direct at community events. You could send local periodicals complimentary review copies. To get the word out about your book, there are a variety of online do it yourself public relations sites that will walk you through and distribute your press release free or at nominal cost. Among business ideas, photography books, can be an immediate venture. When you pair books with other products or concepts such as care packages for hospital patients, commuter markets, you can expand business opportunities.

Permen Kapas

SAAT kecil dulu, pernahkah datang ke pasar malam, sirkus, atau karnival yang digelar di kota? Kalau pernah, kamu pasti pernah membeli atau minimal melihat kehadiran permen unik ini. Yep, dialah gula-gula kapas atau arum manis. Gula-gula kapas atau yang disebut cotton candy dalam bahasa Inggris ini bukan hanya lezat namun membawa sebuah kegembiraan tertentu bagi orang yang mengkonsumsinya, khususnya anak-anak. Selain manis, berwarna unik, dan berbentuk menarik, permen kapas juga bisa kita dapatkan dengan harga cukup murah.

Bahan pembuat permen kapas yang murni gula memang banyak dituding akan membuat gigi kita berlubang dan akhirnya dulu digunakan untuk menakut-nakuti kita saat ingin memakan panganan yang terasa sangat manis ini. Ini bukan anggapan yang salah, akan tetapi sebenarnya jumlah gula dalam satu porsi permen kapas biasanya tidak cukup banyak untuk membuat gigi kita langsung berlubang. Kecuali, tentu saja, kita makan permen kapas beberapa kali sehari dan beberapa kali seminggu.

Benang-benang gula yang ada pada permen kapas juga tidak cukup kuat untuk meretakkan dan menghantam email gigi. Selain itu, lelehan gula yang ada di dalam mulut pun tidak akan bertahan lama dan akan langsung terbilas oleh air liur. Faktanya, gula yang dikandung dalam satu porsi permen kapas rata-rata berjumlah sekitar 100 kalori. Jumlah ini jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kalori yang kita dapat dari non-diet soft drink yang dalam satu porsinya mengandung sekitar 100 sampai 130 kalori.

Permen kapas yang mengembang dan terlihat lucu ini juga membawa suasana menyenangkan bagi orang yang memakannya. Proses pembuatan permen kapas juga sudah berlangsung selama lebih dari 100 tahun. Kita mungkin bisa menanyakan proses ini pada kakek dan nenek kita karena ternyata satu daerah punya mesin pembuat permen kapas yang berbeda dengan tempat lainnya. Bagi banyak orang, bau dan aroma permen kapas yang manis dan bernuansa karamel mungkin tidak akan terlupakan dan seringkali akan membawa sedikit nostalgia. Bagimana dengan kamu?
sumber: OpenRice.com

Lihat Juga:
chinese food
nasi goreng

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010


Jika Anda pergi ke Jambi, jangan lupa beli kue khas Jambi, Srikaya Muso, Gandus dan Padamaran. Adalah pasangan suami istri Junaidi (40-an) dan Wilda (40-an) yang menjual kue-kue ini dengan merek Malvinas. Pabrik merangkap rumah mereka terletak di Lorong Ikhlas. Selain menjual kue khas Jambi mereka juga menjual ratusan jenis kue basah.
Awalnya, Jun, begitu sapaan Junaidi, memperkenalkan kue-kue khas Jambi ini dengan menjual berkeliling kota Jambi dengan gerobak roti. “Saya meneruskan usaha kakak di Lampung. Kakak saya paling pintar buat kue. Begitu saya pindah Jambi tahun 94′ saya mulai cari tahu apa kue khas Jambi yang harus dikembangkan.”
Salah satu kue yang paling disuka yakni gandus. Bahan gandus dari tepung beras, sagu,santan dan daun. Bumbunya, bawang putih dihaluskan, cabe dipotong-potong kecil dan santan diaduk. Setelah bahan dicampur lalu tambah garam. Untuk mencetaknya ada dua macam, satu cetakan bulat ada juga yang ditaruh dalam loyang dan dikukus selama 10 menit. Setelah matang, kemudian dipotong-potong. Sebelum disiapkan kue dihias dulu atasnya dengan taburan udang, ebi, ayam, daging giling atau abon ikan.
Soal rasa, tak perlu ditanya. “Legit dan gurih seperti bubur ayam. Legit karena ada campuran tepung beras,” lanjut bapak dua anak yang mengaku akan terus mempertahankan kue-kue khas Jambi agar tak punah. Yang jelas, meski promosinya cuma dari mulut ke mulut, kue-kue Jun banyak dipesan untuk acara perkawinan, ulang tahun, arisan dan acara-acara kantoran.
Sumber :Tabloid Nova Online

Lihat Juga:
japanese food
red mango

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Resep Nasi Goreng Lada Hitam

Nasi Goreng Lada Hitam
Bahan :

* 500 gr nasi putih
* 1/2 buah bawang bombay, iris panjang
* 1 sachet (60 gram) Bumbu Nasi Goreng Sedap Kokita
* 100 gram udang jerbung kecil kupas, sisakan ekor, kerat punggungnya
* 100 gram cumi, potong ring
* 6 buah basi ikan, potong 4
* 2 butir telur, kocok lepas
* 2 1/2 sendok teh lada hitam, tumbuk kasar
* garam secukupnya
* gula secukupnya
* 2 batang daun bawang, potong serong
* 3 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis

Cara membuat :

* Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang bombay hingga harum, tambahkan Bumbu Nasi Goreng Sedap Kokita. Aduk rata
* Masukkan udang, cumi dan baso. Aduk sampai berubah warna. Sisihkan di tepi penggorengan. Masukkan telur kocok lepas. Aduk sampai berbutir-butir
* Tambahkan nasi putih, lada hitam, garam, dan gula. Aduk rata hingga matang dan meresap.
* Masukkan daun bawang. Aduk rata
* Sajikan dengan irisan tomat dan ketimun.
Sumber: iresep

Lihat Juga:
Chinese food

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Sambal Tumapang

Tumpang atau sambal tumpang adalah sebuah makanan khas dari Kota Kediri. Cara penyajian sambal tumpang tak jauh beda dengan cara penyajian sambal pecel, yaitu dengan nasi yang di atasnya di beri aneka lalapan atau sayur - mayur yang telah direbus terlebih dahulu lalu disiram dengan sambal tumpang dan diberi peyek sebagai pelengkap, bisa peyek kacang atau peyek teri.

Sambal tumapang sendiri terbuat dari tempe yang telah busuk atau tempe bosok dan dimasak dengan di campur aneka bumbu seperti lombok atau cabe, bawang, garam dan bumbu dapur lainnya.Jangan keburu jijik jika mengetahui bahan dasarnya yang terbuat dari tempe bosok, tapi cobalah dulu rasanya jika telah matang, pasti akan membuat anda ketagihan.

Ada sebuah cara penyajian unik lagi dari sambal tumpang, yaitu dengan mencampurkan sambal tumpang dengan sambal pecel, perpaduan unik nan lezat ini disebut dengan nasi campur dan sambalnya disebut dengan sambal campur. Aneka makanan dengan tumpang bisa anda temui di sepanjang jalan Dhoho, Kota Kediri, Kediri, Jawa Timur.
Sumber: Wikipedia

Lihat Juga:
japanese food
Red Mango

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Nurture Your Future Leaders

Job, Jobs, Career , Employment

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By: Gen Wright

They are the fast-rising and upcoming superstars of the organization. Young and talented, these entry level managers have excelled in their academic years and are looking to duplicate their success in a working environment.

On a smaller scale, they have already shown what they can do. Now, they are in search of more challenges. It is time for them to take bigger risks and make things happen. As your newest batch of managers, they are ready to rumble!

Connect them to the organization

Use the organization's core values to connect with upcoming superstars of the organization.

On their first day, pick a respectable senior leader in the organization to inspire them with a short talk on the importance of core values. Let the senior leader tell them stories of his or her past experiences to illustrate how the company's core values have guided him/her to success. The aim is to let new young managers understand that as leaders, they represent the core values of the organization. This gives them a connection to the identity of the organization - an alignment of their personal values with the organization's core values.

Allow new young managers to cross-train for a short period of time (4-6 weeks) with teams led by more senior and experienced managers who consistently demonstrate a high regard for what the organization believes in. This way, new young managers get to fully understand the meaning of the organization's core values as it is being practiced on a regular basis.

As an extended practice, new young managers can be given responsibility for values orientation among newly recruited people across the organization. This will give them a greater sense of accountability.

Develop their Emotional Quotient

Although high IQ levels count, let them know that developing their EQ is as critical as mastery of their chosen profession. Workers value a leader's abilities to control their emotions such as anger, to withstand difficult events and stressful situations, to be fulfilled with what life can give, and to be a cooperative member of the team.

As early as possible, let your young superstars participate in a leadership development program that includes topics such as enhancing self-awareness and self-reflection skills.

Encourage them to practice and seek on-going feedback from co-workers to identify and monitor inappropriate emotional behaviour. This will help young managers learn how to control their responses and quickly recover from any setbacks. Developing their EQ is an investment that will reap rewards in the area of relationships and personal growth once they assume more senior leadership roles.

Keep them Interested

Your new young managers will definitely find it exciting if their job descriptions say: implement change, multi-task, and solve problems. Multiple tasks and challenges are never a problem.

Gradually increase their responsibilities as they show capability to keep them challenged and interested with what they are doing. Give them regular feedback about their past six months' performance and update them about what's going to happen next.

New young managers are particular about structure - a clear hierarchy in the organizational chart, a well-defined scope of work, and an outline of their career path is critical if you wish to motivate them.

Special projects are also a welcome responsibility particularly if the assignment is related to the latest in communication technology or social networking. Encourage new young managers to strengthen informal bonds and create solid teamwork by setting up a networking system that allows them to communicate and collaborate.

Give them a life

Work-life balance is a must for long-term career growth. Managers of this generation lead multi-activity lives. They work hard but they also value time for sports, adventure, and recreation with family and friends.

Create fun and let friendship bonds be formed across various teams in the workplace through lunch break celebrations and socials in the office.

Encourage young managers to join clubs or teams that promote wellness or any team sport that they are interested in.

Allow them to spend enough time with their families on weekends to re-charge and re-energize their week.

New young managers are not threatened by job security or big pay checks. They want to learn from their senior leaders, be successful with their teams, and earn the respect of the whole organization. Nurture them early to create well-balanced individuals who will surely be productive as professionals and as respectable leaders in the organization for a long time.

Mel Mendoza is a virtual assistant for whatdoyouwantfromthem.com - an informal network for managers. Create a private social network for your management recruits.

Article Source: http://www.leadershiparticles.net

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Leadership Training Tip - Use Momentum

Job, Jobs, Career , Employment

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By: Lee Coates

Don't let past glories slow you down. True leaders have new objectives waiting in the wings that they immediately begin to pursue, the moment the present objective is complete. It's the momentum that keeps you moving forward. Keep the energy high or things can change from good to bad. Its momentum that ensures that your team maintains their enthusiasm and remains in motion

You are going to need discipline, drive and determination to be a true leader. The price that one pays for mastery is discipline. You can't have success without it. Every day you need to devote yourself to the perfection of the path you have chosen to peruse. By doing this you will achieve self mastery. Achieve self mastery and you will have developed the essence of a great leader. Discipline is about developing powerful habits and at one point those habits will become your identity.

If you have the discipline you will keep moving forward. Keep moving forward to provide growth for you and your team in character, in strengths and virtues.

Albeit Einstein said that compound interest was the most powerful force in our society. Discipline and perseverance are a lot like the principle of compound interest - The more committed you are towards your objectives, the greater the momentum you will build. In the beginning your progress may seam small, but as one success gets stacked upon another, the momentum you generate will make you a force to be reckoned with.

The opposite result is to decay over time.

Always know - What is your new objective?

Always be a leader.

If you're not sure - Act like a leader and support others like a leader.

"What really makes greatness is white hot action around red hot ideas. A genius idea alone has zero value" - Robin Sharma

Even before the end of your current task you should be asking.

What is my new objective?

This has been the tenth and last article about a special kind of leadership. I call it leadership without a title, because I firmly believe that anyone can be a leader in anything they choose to do. These ten action steps that have been presented allow anyone to step up and lead. These action steps apply to any sized task, the most common tasks that take mere minutes to complete, to ones that can last months. If you apply these steps to everything you do I know you will stand out head and shoulders above 90% of all those around you.

It's strange that when you research the topic of leadership that there is no one clear definition of leadership. Leadership is a very broad concept and there are many different types of leadership. There are a number of words that describe the qualities that many leaders possess and as you follow the ten steps I have given you, I believe that many of these qualities you too can't help but possess. Here are the qualities that many of the world's top leaders possess - believers, listeners, kindness, kindness, disciplined, imagination, excellence, determined, enthusiastic, responsible, humility, influential, vision, they reinforce core values, attitude of ownership, refuse to lose attitude, great habits, mental toughness, understand emotions, pro-active, love, focus, action orientated, persistent, patient, integrity, passionate, creative, flexible, compassionate, confident, calm, optimistic, assertive, courageous, decisive, accountable, to list just some. Is it any wonder that delership is defined in so many different ways by different people.

Keep practicing leadership in every little task you perform and many of these qualities will be yours to enjoy.

Lee Coates - internet entrepreneur, coach and trainer InfoAbounds.com is my blog for more articles about wealth, health, personal development and of course internet marketing. We teach internet marketing to anyone with an existing business, existing product or we can provide a complete internet marketing system for newbie's. We can help you. Check us out. BecauseItsTheBestHomeBusiness.com

Article Source: http://www.leadershiparticles.net

How to Be Successful in Project Management and Leadership

By: David Shoemaker

It is not always easy to develop effective leadership in project management, but it can be done. It takes a certain drive, a lot of focus, powerful motivation, and a detailed plan. Project management and leadership courses can do two things: help you become ready to lead a team by studying your own management style and learning where your weaknesses and strengths lie in order to make yourself a better leader. They also teach you what to do to create and execute a useful project management plan. Remember that a goal without a plan is simply a dream. After completing training for leadership in project management, you should feel confident in five areas:

  • Identify leadership strengths and weaknesses in the context of your own career, through feedback from colleagues and through self-assessment
  • Explaining the role of colleagues, mentors, and your various networks in achieving your goal
  • Explaining why it may be difficult to alter your preferences, even if making a change is the way to realize your goal
  • Creating and executing a development plan
  • Applying what you have learned to your management of projects and tasks

As a leader, you have a wealth of opportunities at your fingertips to continue to develop your leadership abilities. As you shape your development plan, think about where you need to review your current practices and acquire new skills. Second, evaluate the roles of those around you: how can they be part of your successful development?

What is the best way to plan for your successful development as a leader? Surprisingly, only 15% to 20% of people who study leadership in project management and create development plans in a seminar actually accomplish their end goals. Many discover that following through is difficult, for various reasons. It can be difficult to make changes to your predetermined leadership practices and many people need an effective support network. Trying to make changes to your habits is even harder within a busy work environment. Sometimes you can see good initial progress, but it's all too easy to fall back into old patterns.

Again, it is critical to utilize your colleagues, your network, and your mentor as much as you can to continue to learn and improve throughout your career. Take their support into consideration as you develop your leadership in project management.

Project management and leadership can be a difficult skill to master, especially because it is hard to continue to sustain a changed behavior. Change is much easier at first - you must work at it to keep up your new practices. One way to achieve this is to build up your support network in the workplace. Talk to people you trust about the changes you're trying to make; solicit their feedback. This is an important part of a successful development plan.

At the end of a project management and leadership course, you should have a more thorough understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses and you will understand the performance system that is being used inside your organization. Finally, you will develop a plan using this new information and insight. You will learn to make yourself as effective as possible. You will then understand the importance of getting ongoing feedback as you implement your plan. It is only by talking with other people and getting feedback from them that you can achieve the calibration that you will need in order to be successful in leadership in project management.

Kue Putu

Kue putu (dari bahasa Jawa, puthu [ IPA: /puʈu/]) adalah jenis makanan Indonesia berupa kue yang berisi gula jawa dan parutan kelapa yang berasal dari Kerala, India, dibungkus oleh tepung beras yang dikukus. Kue ini biasanya dikukus dengan diletakkan di dalam tabung bambu dan dijual pada malam hari. Suara khas uap yang keluar dari alat pengukus ini sekaligus menjadi alat promosi bagi pedagang yang berjualan.

Kebanyakan warna dari kue putu ini adalah putih dan hijau.

Sejumlah pedagang masa kini mengganti bambu dengan pipa PVC dengan alasan kepraktisan, meskipun dari segi kesehatan penggunaan PVC membahayakan.

Kue putu sendiri sudah merambah ke negara lain, seperti Singapura dan Malaysia, meskipun nama dan bentuk untuk kue ini sedikit berbeda, tetapi rasanya sendiri sama dengan kue putu tradisional Indonesia itu sendiri.
sumber: wikipedia

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japanese food
red mango

Tahu Sumedang

Bermula dari kreativitas yang dimiliki oleh istri Ongkino, yang memang semenjak awal sebagai orang yang pertama kali memiliki ide untuk memproduksi Tou Fu (dari bahasa Tionghoa, Hokkian "tau hu", yang berarti sama) yang lambat laun menjadi berubah nama menjadi "Tahu".

Tahun demi tahun, Ongkino beserta istri tercinta terus menggeluti usaha mereka hingga sekitar tahun 1917 anak tunggal mereka Ong Bung Keng menyusul kedua orang tuanya ke tanah Sumedang. Bung Keng kemudian melanjutkan usaha kedua orang tuanya yang sampai keduanya memilih kembali ke tanah kelahiran mereka di Hokkian, Republik Rakyat Cina.

Melalui alih generasi Ong Bung Keng, anak tunggal Ongkino, terus melanjutkan usaha yang diwariskan dari kedua orang tuanya hingga akhir hayatnya di usia 92 tahun. Di balik kemasyhuran tahu Sumedang ada pula kisah yang berbau mistik, seperti apa yang diceritakan cucu dari Ongkino, Suryadi. Sekitar tahun 1928, konon suatu hari tempat usaha sang kakek buyutnya, Ong Bung Keng, didatangi oleh Bupati Sumedang, Pangeran Soeria Atmadja yang kebetulan tengah melintas dengan menggunakan dokar dalam perjalanan menuju Situraja.

Kebetulan, sang Pangeran melihat seorang kakek sedang menggoreng sesuatu. Pangeran Soeria Atmadja langsung turun begitu melihat bentuk makanan yang amat unik serta baunya yang harum. Sang bupati, Pangeran Soeria Atmadja kemudian bertanya kepada sang kakek, "Maneh keur ngagoreng naon? (Kamu sedang menggoreng apa?)". Sang kakek berusaha menjawab sebisanya dan menjelaskan bahwa makanan yang ia goreng berasal dari Tou Fu China. Karena penasaran, sang bupati langsung mencoba satu. Setelah mencicipi sesaat, bupati secara spontan berkata "Enak benar masakan ini! Coba kalau kamu jual, pasti laris!", dengan wajah puas.

Tak lama setelah kejadian ini, Tahu Sumedang digemari oleh penduduk Sumedang dan kemudian sampai ke seluruh Indonesia
Sumber: wikipedia

Lihat Juga:
japanese food
red mango

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Tips Belajar Fotografi dengan Kamera Digital

Pertama kali yang perlu diperhatikan adalah pemilihan jenis kamera digital. Anda harus tahu apa yang anda inginkan, pocket ataukah prosumer atau langsung DSLR? Yang penting jangan pernah memilih kamera digital yang dapat menyulitkan diri anda sendiri dalam pengoperasiannya. Setelah itu berkenalanlah dengan kamera anda, setidaknya minimal satu bulan sebelum anda bener-bener memotret. Jadikan ajang pe-D-K-te ini untuk mengetahui setelan the worst and the best-nya kamera anda.

1. Selalu bawa kamera kemanapun anda pergi.

Kamera = Kekasihmu, mata anda sekarang adalah lensa, sudut pandang anda = frame, dan yang anda lihat saat itu adalah komposisi ruang dan waktu. Yang anda lihat adalah obyek dengan balutan background dan ruang –yang indah dimanapun itu, dimana oleh cahaya yang terpancar dari waktu. Sehingga pagi dan sore hari sangatlah cocok buat anda untuk berjalan santai dengan kamera anda.

Ketika anda bepergian, entah itu mau pergi ke kantor, sekolah, tempat ibadah, ataupun sedang jalan santai, abadikan setiap momen yang menarik bagi anda, no time for thinking.. ekspos obyek tersebut, Dan jangan terlalu sering review setelah motret, karena bisa saja anda akan kehilangan beberapa momen berharga bersama objek anda, di level ini yang anda kejar adalah kuantitas bukan kualitas (belum saatnya)

Remember, alasan utama mengapa anda melewatkan momen yang bagus untuk difoto adalah karena anda tidak membawa kamera. Jadikanlah suatu kebiasaan untuk selalu membawa kamera kemanapun anda bepergian karena anda tidak tahu momen-momen atau pemandangan-pemandangan apa yang akan anda temui nanti.

2. Perhatikan komposisi.

Menurut beberapa orang mempelajari aturan-aturan komposisi adalah hal yang baik, namun aturan-aturan tersebut kadangkala tidak berlaku dan ada kalanya anda harus mempercayai mata anda. Jadi mana yang benar?? Mana yang harus kita ikuti??!! Aturan komposisi atau mata kita?

Kalau menurut saya, sebaiknya kita sebagai newbie hendaklah memiliki pengetahuan dan menerapkan aturan-aturan komposisi sebagai batu pijakan kita, untuk mengemasnya lebih baik di masa yang akan datang. Jangan jadi newbie yang tak berpengetahuan dasar dalam memotret, karena nantinya kita tidak akan bisa berkembang. Mungkin bisa ikut dalam forum fotografi untuk tambah pengetahuan

3. Sering latihan mata dan insting

Lihat dan perhatikan dengan seksama foto yang Anda ambil. Cobalah untuk menemukan kekurangan-kekurangan dan kritiklah hasil foto tersebut.

Apakah foto tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan pada saat kita memfoto? Apakah Anda suka composition-nya? Aktivitas peninjauan kembali hasil foto oleh Anda sendiri sangat esensi al dalam meningkatkan insting fotografi Anda. Selanjutnya bisa sharing dengan yang lain, dan minta komplimen mereka dan saring sebanyak-banyaknya pendapat dari berbagai macam tipe komentator...;-p

4. Wajib kenal dengan kamera yang kita bawa

Anda perlu menghafal setiap fitur pada kamera anda sesegera mungkin. Akan lebih mudah mengingat fitur-fitur anda dengan perlahan-lahan mencoba fitur-fitur kamera anda satu-persatu melalui aktivitas fotografi. Analoginya seperti saat kita belajar mengganti persneling saat mengendarai sepeda motor atau mobil. Jadikan kemampuan mengutak-atik fitur kamera menjadi kebiasaan anda. Dengan demikian anda tahu dengan baik fitur-fitur apa yang mesti dipakai pada saat memfoto suatu objek atau pemandangan.


Promosikan Usaha Anda di Iklan Gratis 88DB.com

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Ochazuke no moto

Ochazuke (茶漬け?) atau chazuke adalah japanese food atau cara makan berupa nasi putih dengan lauk sekadarnya yang dituangi air teh hijau, dashi atau air panas. Yūzuke adalah sebutan lain untuk nasi yang dituangi air panas.

Lauk diletakkan di atas nasi sebelum dituangi air teh (teh hijau atau hōjicha), dashi atau air panas. Lauk yang digunakan misalnya umeboshi, tsukemono, shiozake, nori, tsukudani, shiokara, wasabi, tarako (mentaiko).

Ochazuke merupakan makanan pengisi perut misalnya di antara dua waktu makan atau sewaktu masih lapar sebelum tidur. Di rumah makan tradisional atau di pemandian air panas, tamu sering ditawari ochazuke untuk menetralkan rasa pada mulut sehabis menikmati makanan mewah yang enak-enak.

Konon ochazuke berasal dari makanan yang bisa cepat dimakan oleh pegawai perusahaan dagang di zaman Edo yang selalu sibuk, tapi lapar dan tidak ada waktu untuk berlama-lama istirahat makan. Kebiasaan makan ochazuke timbul dengan sendirinya karena pegawai bekerja hampir seharian penuh dan sewaktu beristirahat pun masih diawasi atasan. Kantor-kantor banyak yang mempunyai kebiasaan menyediakan asinan sayur (tsukemono) di dalam mangkuk besar dari kayu yang boleh diambil semaunya oleh pegawai sebagai lauk. Kebiasaan ini diperkirakan berhubungan dengan lahirnya kebiasaan menuangkan air teh ke dalam nasi agar makanan bisa cepat habis dan asinan sayur tidak lagi terasa terlalu asin. Pada waktu itu, ochazuke dianggap sebagai makanan kelas bawah. Majikan dan kalangan atas tidak mau makan ochazuke secara terang-terangan, walaupun dimakan juga sebagai pengisi perut kalau terpaksa.

Cara makan nasi dengan dituangi kuah sebetulnya sudah ada sejak zaman Heian. Di dalam literatur klasik Makura no sōshi dan Genji monogatari juga sudah disebut-sebut yūzuke (nasi yang dituangi air panas). Di abad pertengahan juga sudah dikenal makanan bernama hōhan (芳飯, 法飯?) berupa nasi putih atau nasi dengan lauk 7 jenis sayuran yang dipotong-potong kecil dan dituangi dashi. Hōhan adalah salah satu jenis masakan Buddhis (shōjinryōri) yang dimakan biksu di kuil agama Buddha. Hōhan salah satu makanan yang disajikan dalam masakan shōjinryōri dan honzenryōri. Orang yang memakannya bisa minta tambah semangkuk lagi kalau belum kenyang. Di Prefektur Nagano, hōhan hingga sekarang masih disajikan sebagai salah satu jenis masakan Buddhis di kuil agama Buddha seperti Zenkōji. Sampai saat ini di Okinawa masih bisa ditemui makanan sejenis yang disebut sēfan (菜飯?) atau nameshi.

Ochazuke instan produksi pabrik yang disebut Ochazuke no moto mulai dikenal di Jepang sejak tahun 1970-an. Kemasan berisi sayuran dikeringkan dengan teknik freeze drying (pengeringan dengan mendinginkan), teh matcha dan dashi dalam bentuk bubuk. Orang yang ingin makan ochazuke tinggal menuangkan isi kemasan ke atas semangkuk nasi dan menyiramnya dengan air panas.

Pada tahun 1990-an, ochazuke instan mulai diproduksi dengan berbagai macam rasa, seperti rasa ramen, rasa masakan Tionghoa hingga rasa teh oolong. Ochazuke instan lengkap dengan arare dimaksudkan untuk meniru ochazuke ala Kyoto yang disebut bubuzuke. Butiran beras yang dibuat arare atau potongan kecil mochi yang digoreng beraroma harum sehingga ditambahkan di atas nasi sewaktu membuat bubuzuke.
sumber: wikipedia

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